8 Facts About The Kailasa Temple In Maharashtra That Was Built 1250+ Years Ago

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Facts About Kailasa Temple

The Kailasa Temple is the largest of the rock-cut temples at the Ellora Caves, Maharashtra and here are eight facts you need to know about it. 

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1.It Is Carved From Top To Bottom

The Kailasa Temple is notable for being the only structure in the world that is carved from top to bottom. 

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2. Carved Out Of A Single Rock

The temple is believed to be carved  from a single piece of rock. Legend has  it that nearly 200,000 tonnes of rock  was removed to construct  this monolithic structure.

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3. World’s Largest  Monolithic Structure

The 1250+ years old temple is also the largest monolithic structure in the world. 

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4. Shrines Inside Temple Complex

Kailasa Temple has 5 shrines inside  its complex. They are dedicated to  Lord Shiva, Lord Vishnu, and the 3  river goddesses - Ganga, Saraswati  and Yamuna.

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5. Resembles Mount Kailash

Dedicated to Lord Shiva, the architecture of the Kailasa Temple resembles the sacred Mount Kailash, which is believed to be the abode of the deity. 

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6. Twice As Big As Parthenon

Kailasa Temple is about 145 feet wide, 195 feet long and 90 feet high. This massive structure is twice the size of the Parthenon in Athens, Greece. 

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7. Sculptures & Carvings

The interiors of the Kailasa  Temple contain intricate sculptures  and carvings. 

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8. Indestructible Structure

It is believed that Kailasa Temple is indestructible. Despite Mughal King Aurangzeb’s many efforts, he was not able to destroy it in even 3 years!  

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