8 Food Items Loaded With Calcium

Credits: Canva

Lady's finger or okra is a good source of calcium that keeps bones healthy

1. Lady's Finger

Credits: Canva

Cheese, especially Parmesan cheese, is loaded with calcium and protein

2. Cheese

Credits: Canva

Fatty fish like salmon  and tuna are loaded with calcium and Vitamin D 

3. Fatty Fish

Credits: Canva

Eggs are rich in calcium, Vitamin D and nutrients that improve bone health

4. Eggs

Credits: Canva

Almonds boost calcium intake in your body and that ensure strong bones

5. Almonds

Credits: Canva

They are extremely high in calcium and are plant-based.

6. Chia Seeds

Credits: Canva

It is a probiotic and one of the best sources of calcium.

7. Yogurt

Credits: Canva

Amaranth is highly nutritious and a good source of calcium.

8. Amaranth

Credits: Canva

Which of these calcium-rich sources do you eat on a daily basis?

Credits: Canva