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1. Potatoes The complex carbohydrates in these are impacted and it makes potatoes turn sweet upon cooking.
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2. Honey As mentioned on the packaging, honey is best kept stored in a container in a dark place.
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3. Avocados Placing unripe avocados in the refrigerator will hinder their ripening.
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4. Onions Onions may turn mushy when kept in the fridge for a long period of time.
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5. Fresh Herbs Fresh herbs will only dry out in the fridge. It is better to store them in a little water.
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6. Chocolate If you’ve mistakenly forgotten an open chocolate bar in the fridge for a long time, you know its taste & structure gets altered.
Credits: Unsplash
7. Coffee Coffee absorbs the flavour of ingredients around it unless stored in an airtight container.
Credits: Unsplash
8. Bread Surprising yet true. Keeping bread in the fridge will dry it out.
Credits: Unsplash
Do you store any of these items in your fridge?
Credits: Unsplash