8 Food Items That Keep Your Body Warm In Winters

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The starch in the grain takes longer to digest and gives you more energy during the day.

1. Amaranth

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This is your cue to make all the dry fruit halwas you want this winter as it is great for keeping warm.

2. Dry Fruits

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Cinnamon is a popular spice worldwide and it is excellent for keeping warm in winters.

3. Cinnamon

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Studies suggest that adding honey to your food during winters helps your body better cope with the cold weather.

4. Honey

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Another common item consumed during winters, it is great at keeping your body temperature up.

5. Jaggery

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You can add this to your food items or simply have it with milk. Saffron is excellent in keeping your body warm.

6. Saffron

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7. Sesame Seeds

Add these to chikkis, halwas or stir-fries and help your body keep warm.

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8. Turnips

Turnips are widely consumed in winters and for good reason. They help keep your body warm.

Which of these do you consume the most in winters?

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