8 Food Items You Must Add To Your Diet To Prevent Dry Skin During Winter

Sweet potatoes contain Vitamin A which is very much essential for protecting skin from winter harshness. 

1.Sweet Potato

Spinach is rich in Vitamin C and A which help in repairing your skin. 

2. Spinach

Fishes are the richest source of Omega-3 fatty acids which work like magic for your skin. 

3. Fish

Regular consumption of nuts and seeds help in repairing damaged skin faster. 

4. Nuts and seeds

Avacados are rich source of antioxidants, Vitamin C and Vitamin E that help keeping dryness away. 

5. Avacado

Carrots are rich in antioxidants and potassium that prevent your skin from dryness. 

6. Carrots

The water content in citrus fruits helps in keeping your skin hydrated all the time. 

7. Citrus fruit

Olive oil helps in keeping the top layer of the skin safe from dryness. 

8. Olive Oil

How do you take care of your skin during winters?