8 Ingredients To Make The Perfect Eggnog This Christmas

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1. Milk  Milk is essential to make eggnog. You can use either toned or whole milk.

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2. Cinnamon  Cinnamon is one of the essential spices. It adds heat and sweetness to the drink.

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3. Cloves The astringency in cloves adds a twist to the eggnog.

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4. Vanilla Extract The aromatic vanilla extract gives a subtle, sweet flavour to this drink.

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5. Nutmeg Just a pinch of nutmeg can elevate the taste of eggnog.

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6. Egg Yolks Egg yolks are essential for the drink. You can even add the egg whites.

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7. Sugar Sugar is needed to add sweetness to the eggnog.

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8. Rum Rum is optional. If you wish to spike your drink, add according to your preference.

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