8 Most Commonly Smuggled Food Items Across The World

Credits: Canva

Alcohol is by far the most commonly smuggled item across the world.

1. Alcohol

Credits: Canva

In Nigeria, parboiled rice is one of the most commonly smuggled items.

2. Rice

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Fresh as well as dry dates are also smuggled quite a lot.

3. Dates

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Poultry products like eggs and meat are also frequently smuggled across borders.

4. Poultry Products

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Surprisingly, pork rinds are very frequently confiscated by the US Customs.

5. Pork Rinds

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Smuggling vegetable oil is also very common in Nigeria.

6. Vegetable Oil

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Chicken stock cubes are also smuggled commonly across borders.

7. Chicken Bouillon

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Smuggling dry fruits across borders is very common in Afghanistan.

8. Dry fruits

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Which of these items did you find most surprising?

Credits: Canva