8 Oldest Temples In India

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Built in the 11th century CE, this temple houses intricately carved erotic sculptures.

8. Kandariya Mahadev Temple, Madhya Pradesh

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This temple was also built by the Chola King Rajaraja I & dates back to the 11th Century CE.

7. Brihadeeswarar Temple, Tamil Nadu

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This temple dates back to the 8th century CE and is known for its unique alignment.

6. Bateshwar Temple, Madhya Pradesh

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This temple in Ellora is believed to have been constructed in the 8th Century CE.

5. Kailasa Temple, Maharashtra

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It is believed that the temple dates back to the 7th century CE.

4. Virupaksha Temple, Karnataka

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Established in the 6th Century, it was built by the Chalukya Dynasty and houses Hindu, Buddhist & Jain deities.

3. Badami Cave Temple, Karnataka

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2. Mahabodhi Temple, Bihar

This temple also dates back to the 6th Century CE and is a UNESCO heritage site.

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The oldest temple in India, it dates back to the 4th Century CE during the Gupta period.

1. Mundeshwari Temple, Bihar

Have you been to any of these temples?

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