8 Reasons Why You Should Think Twice Before Eating Marshmallows

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High in refined sugar, with most varieties containing 40-60% pure sugar by weight.

1. 40-60% pure sugar

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Empty calories with virtually no nutritional benefits, protein, fibre, vitamins or minerals.

2. No nutritional benefits

Contain artificial additives including synthetic flavourings, colourings and preservatives.

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3. Artificial additives

May trigger blood sugar spikes due to their high glycaemic index.

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4. High glycaemic index

Often manufactured with gelatine, making them unsuitable for vegetarians and vegans.

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5. Unsuitable for vegetarians

Pose a choking hazard, particularly for young children and the elderly.

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6. Choking hazard

Some varieties contain corn syrup with high fructose, linked to obesity and metabolic disorders.

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7. Linked to obesity

Can contribute to dental decay due to their sticky consistency and sugar content.

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8. Dental decay

Do you enjoy eating marshmallows?

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