8 Recipes You Can Make In Electric Kettle

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Electric kettle is a gamechanger for most students who live in hostels.

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1. Hot Chocolate You can make a steaming cup of hot chocolate in a kettle.

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2. Boiled Corn You can boil corn cobs in a kettle and make masala corn.

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3. Soup You can make instant soup with just hot water.

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4. Boiled Eggs You can boil eggs and make sandwiches and salads with it.

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5. Maggi Maggi is a classic instant noodle recipe in India.

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6. Pasta With a ready-made sauce, making pasta in a kettle is the easiest!

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7. Oats Oats make for a delicious breakfast.

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8. Rice You can make fluffy rice in an electric kettle.

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