8 Temples In India That Offer Unusual Offerings To Gods

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1. Kaal Bhairav Temple,  Madhya Pradesh

Here, devotees quench the thirst of the fierce deity with liquor.

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2. Munch Murugan Temple, Kerala

The offering of choice for Lord Murugan at this temple is a sweet treat - chocolates.

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3. Kali Temple, Kolkata

This unique Kali Temple caters to the Goddess's global palate with Chinese food offerings.

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4.Mahadeva Temple, Kerala

 This temple offers an educational donation - DVDs and textbooks to appease Lord Shiva.

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5. Brahma Baba Temple,  Uttar Pradesh

This temple has a unique time-related offering - devotees donate clocks.

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6. Devaragattu Temple,  Andhra Pradesh

This temple honors the forest deity with toddy, a local palm wine.

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7. Alagar Temple,  Tamil Nadu

Here, devotees offer a delicious vegetarian feast - a variety of dosas to Lord Vishnu.

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8. Parassinikkadavu Temple, Kerala

This temple presents an unusual seafood offering - fish to appease the Bhagwati Devi.

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Have you heard of any other unique temples that have unusual offerings for their dieties?