8 Tips To Make Your Winter Vacation Comfortable

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Layer up properly. Wear thermals, sweaters, jackets, etc.to keep your body warm.

1. Layer Up!

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Stay in a hotel or homestay with 24x7 hot water availability and heaters.

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2. Hot Water 

Take beverages that can keep the body warm.

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3. Warm Beverages

Wear woollen socks. Carry woollen sleepers and snow boots.

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4. Woolly Accessories

Channel your inner jadoo and soak in the warm winter sun!

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5. Soak In Sun!

Make sure you carry adequate skincare products because cold can be harsh on your skin!

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6. Don't Neglect Skin

Keep checking the weather so that you don't get stuck in a snowstorm.

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7. Keep Checking Weather

It's easy to neglect hydration especially in winters, but remember to drink plenty of water!

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8. Stay Hydrated!

And most importantly, don't forget to enjoy!

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