8 Types Of Moldy Cheese You Didn’t Know About

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1. Roquefort

It is considered as the original blue cheese and is made with unpasteurized sheep milk.

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2. Gorgonzola

It is an Italian cheese and is made with whole pasteurised cow milk.

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3. Queso de Cabrales

It is a Spanish moldy cheese and has blue-grey veins.

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4. Stilton

Stilton is an English blue cheese and is called “the King of English Cheeses.”

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5. Danablu

It is a Danish cheese invented in the 20th century.

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6. Picón Bejes-Tresviso

It is another Spanish cheese that has dark ivory to yellowish colour and a buttery texture.

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7. Cambozola

Cambozola is a soft creamy blue cheese and has a sharp flavour.

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8. Rokpol

It is a Polish cheese made with cow milk and has a moderately acidic bite.

Have you tried these types of moldy cheese yet?

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