Which Indian States Have The Most Foreign Students? Find Out Here

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The list was released in the All India Survey for Higher Education 2021-2022.

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AISHE 2021-2022

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7. Andhra Pradesh

Andhra has 3,115 foreign students and ranks 7th.

Gujarat has 3,593 foreign students and is 6th on the list.

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6. Gujarat

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5. Tamil Nadu

This South Indian state has a total of 3,891 foreign students.

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4. Uttar Pradesh

UP surprisingly ranks 4th with 4,323 foreign students.

With 4,856 foreign students, Maharashtra has the 3rd highest number of foreign students.

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3. Maharashtra

Punjab has a total of 5,971 foreign students, the 2nd highest in India.

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2. Punjab

In Karnataka, there were a total of 6,004 foreign students, the highest in the country.

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1. Karnataka

How many foreign students have you seen in your state?

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