8 Unusual Animals Whose Eggs We Consume

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1. Fish Caviar, Roe, and cod roe are all popular in different parts of the world.

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2. Squid Squid eggs are a popular street food in Japan.

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3. Duck Balut, or duck foetuses in eggs, are a popular Pinoy street food.

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4. Ostrich You must have seen pictures of giant ostrich eggs being cooked by people.

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5. Quail Quail eggs are an expensive delicacy that many people consume around the world.

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6. Lobster eggs Hunting lobsters for eggs is illegal in many parts of the world but they’re a popular delicacy.

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7. Ant Known as Escamole in Mexico, it is a dish that dates back to the Aztecs.

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8. Turtle Since turtles are now protected, it is taboo to eat them but they’re highly sought after

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Are there any that you’d lie to try?

Image Courtesy: Canva