8 Words To Know Before Travelling To Italy

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Do you have plans to travel to Italy soon? If yes, learn some common Italian words before you board your flight. It will surely help you to communicate and interact better.

Time To Learn Some Italian

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How about greeting people using proper Italian words? Well, Ciao is surely one of the most known words in the Italian language and it means to greet someone like hello or goodbye.

1. Ciao

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To thank people in this language, say Grazie. It simply translates to thanks in Italian.

2. Grazie

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To say sorry or excuse me to someone, you can use the words Scusa & Scusi. For an informal conversation, Scusa works. And for formal conversation, use Scusi.

3. Scusa & Scusi

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Wondering how to wish good morning in Italian? Well, the term for this is Buongiorno.

4. Buongiorno

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Politely say Buona Notte to wish good night.

5. Buona Notte

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To request or ask someone for something, add Per Favore to your sentence. It simply means saying please.

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6. Per Favore

Who doesn't love to shop while travelling, right? Well, you will need to know the prices of the products before buying them. And to ask for prices in Italian, say Quanto Costa. It translates into asking how much does it cost.

7. Quanto Costa

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To ask how are you in Italian, say Come Stai.

8. Come Stai

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Are you ready to brush up your Italian language skills?

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