Beginner’s Guide: 9 Recipes That You Can Make In Air Fryer

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1. Falafels You can make delicious falafels in an air fryer.

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2. Paneer Tikka You can easily cook the marinated paneer as a party starter.

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3. Fries With an air fryer, you won’t need too much oil for making fries.

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4. Chicken Tenders It is one of the simplest recipes to make in an air fryer.

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5. Pizza Craving pizza? Make naan pizza in no time!

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6. Cookies You can make little cookies in an air fryer.

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7. Burger Patties You can make burger patties from scratch in no time.

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8. Kebabs Air fryers are useful in making kebabs.

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9. Bread Sticks Bread Sticks can be a good party recipe!

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