9 Food Items That Expire Sooner Than You Think

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1. Potatoes Potatoes need cool temperature otherwise their shelf life will decrease.

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2. Hummus Hummus shouldn’t be kept in the refrigerator for more than four days.

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3. Hard Boiled Eggs They shouldn’t be left at room temperature for longer than two hours.

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4. Coriander They are delicate and exposure to oxygen may cause it to brown.

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5. Fresh Fish You need to consume fish within two days.

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6. Broccoli It contains higher water content and loses its quality rapidly.

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7. Mushrooms They last for a maximum of ten days.

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8. Bananas Bananas ripe faster and need to be consumed within five days.

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9. Berries Berries are highly perishable with mold growing on them.

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