9 Food Items That You Should Avoid If You Have PCOS

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1. Processed Food  Processed food is a storehouse of refined carbohydrates. If you have PCOS, it is best to avoid processed food.

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2. Caffeinated Drinks Any drink that contains caffeine can raise the oestrogen hormone levels. This can complicate the condition.

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3. Fried Food  The unhealthy amount of saturated fats in fried food is alarming. These are inflammatory food and aggravate PCOS symptoms.

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4. Alcohol The consumption of alcohol can increase testosterone levels. It can also trigger migraines in some people.

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5. Red Meat  These cause inflammation in the body. Excess consumption can decrease the progesterone hormone.

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6. Sugary Beverages  Drinks like soda or any energy drink increase the level of insulin. This leads to weight gain while affecting testosterone levels.

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7. Processed Meat  Meats like salami, sausages, and any other that are processed can lead to weight gain. Also, these products have high sodium levels.

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8. Dairy Products  Dairy products can increase androgen hormone production. This can increase the levels of oestrogen.

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9. Soy  The phytoestrogen in soy mimics oestrogen and can create a hormonal imbalance. It can lead to bloating, weight gain, and irritability.

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