9 Food Items That'll Help Sharpen Your Memory

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1. Coconut Oil when added to your meals can reduce inflammation in the brain. 

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2. Green tea helps you to focus better and keep your memory sharp. 

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3. Oranges are loaded with Vitamin C which protects your brain from any cell damage. 

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4. Pumpkin Seeds is an excellent source of zinc and magnesium necessary for brain functioning. 

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5. Avocado lowers any risk of cognitive decline. 

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6. Turmeric in any form helps new brain cells to grow. 

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7. Blueberries have antioxidants slows the ageing of the brain. 

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8. Broccoli is filled with flavonoids that keeps a person's brain healthy. 

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9. Coffee makes you alert and improves your concentration. 

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