9 Aphrodisiacs That Will Put You In The Mood

1. Avocadoes They are high in Vitamin E which are called the 'sex vitamin.'

2.  Almonds Almonds are rich in omega-3 fatty acids which increase testosterone production.

3. Chocolate Chocolates are a popular aphrodisiac and have been correlated with an increased sex drive in many studies.

4. Walnuts Walnuts have also been linked to high sex drive by many studies.

5. Salmon Salmon is a natural aphrodisiac and it is also known to produce serotonin.

6. Cherry Cherries stimulate the production of pheromones.

7. Bananas Not to be cheeky but bananas are a great aphrodisiac. They boost the production of reproductory hormones.

8. Figs Figs are also an aphrodisiac. Feed them to your partner to test its effect!

9. Strawberries Combine these with number 3 and you have the most romantic snack of all time.

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