9 Healthy Reasons To Eat Bamboo Shoots

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1. Bamboo shoots have low carbohydrates which can support your weight management goals. 

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2. Loaded with fibre, bamboo shoots are good for digestion. 

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3. The fibrous and crunchy texture of bamboo goes well with Indian and Asian curries. 

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4. Bamboo shoots are low in sugar and fat. So, they are good for diabetics. 

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5. Bamboo shoots lower cholesterol levels. 

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6. Bamboo shoots are great pre-biotics which are essential for gut health. 

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7. Filled with phytosterols, bamboo shoots keep your heart healthy.

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8. Bamboo shoots fight off allergies and even soothe asthma. 

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9. Filled with calcium, bamboo shoots make your bones healthy. 

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