9 Herbs That Will Help With Anxiety & Depression

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1. Ylang Ylang This flower is known to reduce anxiety and is used in many of its medications.

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2. Valerian Another herb that's known to calm anxiety, it can be consumed in the form of tea.

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3. Sage Sage is a popular healing herb in the west as well as the east.

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4. Passionflower Many studies have shown that passionflower is super effective in reducing depression.

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5. Lavender Lavender is crucial in aromatherapy and is consumed in many forms, from tea to oil.

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6. Kava Kava This plant is great for GAD and other mental health disorders.

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7. Golden Thryallis The extract from this flower is a common ingredient in the treatments prescribed to anxiety patients.

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8. Chamomile Another popular herb, it makes for a delicious tea that also relieves your anxiety.

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9. Ashwagandha The benefits of Ashwagandha are countless, one of them being that they help people with depression.

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Which of these have you tried?

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