9 Interesting Facts About Mushrooms

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1. They are genetically closer to humans than to plants.

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2. They have chitin, a fibrous substance in cell walls that animals have but plants don’t.

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3. The largest living organism on earth is a single Honey mushroom in the US which is 5.6 km wide.

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4. Some trees communicate with each other via fungi, the official term for it is ‘Wood Wide Web.’

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5. Mushrooms create airflow to disperse their spores more efficiently.

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6. Some can glow in the dark. A species called ‘electric mushrooms’ are found in Meghalaya.

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7. Lightning boosts mushroom growth.

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8. If picked when in their button stage, a species of mushroom called ‘shaggy mane’ will devour itself.

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9. Mushrooms are the only fresh produce that have natural vitamin D.

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