9 Low-Calorie Indian Snacks To Add In Your Diet  

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1. Roasted Chanas Roasted chanas are a great source of protein.

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2. Roasted Makhanas Makhana is a superfood that everyone is crazy about.

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3. Khakhra Khakhras are everyone’s favourite snack option!

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4. Sprouts Bhel This sprouts bhel is packed with proteins.

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5. Moong Dal Cheela The moong dal cheela is a classic snack dish in India.

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6. Corn Chaat Filled with different flavours, this corn chaat is delicious and easy to make.

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7. Chivda Chivda is made with puffed rice and has very little oil content.

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8. Ladoos Ladoos made with dry fruits or besan makes for a filling snack.

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9. Ragi Dosa Ragi Dosa is easy to make and healthy.

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