Credits: Stock Photo
1. Filled with fibre, spring onions keep your gut healthy.
Credits: Stock Photo
2. Loaded with sulphur, spring onion keeps cancer at bay.
Credits: Stock Photo
3. Spring onion regulates blood sugar levels.
Credits: Stock Photo
4. Spring onions are known to have carotenoids, essential for healthy vision.
Credits: Stock Photo
5. Spring onion has anti-viral properties that prevents cold and cough.
Cover Image Courtesy: Canva
6. Rich in Vitamin C, it lowers blood pressure.
Cover Image Courtesy: Canva
7. It contains Vitamin A and Vitamin C which strengthens immunity.
Cover Image Courtesy: Canva
8. It helps people suffering from arthritis and soothes their symptoms.
Cover Image Courtesy: Canva
9. The Vitamin K in spring onion is necessary to improve bone health.
Cover Image Courtesy: Canva