Anushka Sharma Satiated Her Deep-Fried Desires From Bengaluru's Thom's Bakery

Image Credit: Instagram/Anushka Sharma

Anushka loves to gorge on delicacies from the famous Thom's Bakery in Bengaluru.

Image Credit: Instagram/Anushka Sharma

Her friends Danish Sait and Akhil Iyer gifted this delicious treat.

Image Credit: Instagram/Anushka Sharma

She uploaded a video on her Instagram story with all these foods and it is simply hilarious!

Image Credit: Instagram/Anushka Sharma

The boxes had lots of puffs, eclair pastries, and more. 

Image Credit: Instagram/Anushka Sharma

Virat Kohli once talked about Anushka's love for Thom’s Bakery's puffs in an interview with Danish Sait.