Arabica VS Robusta: Here Are 6 Difference Between These Coffee Beans

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Types Of Coffee Beans

There are 4 main types of coffee beans i.e. Arabica, Robusta, Liberica, and Excelsa. However, Arabica and Robusta are commercially available.

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Arabica VS Robusta

These two types of coffee beans account for nearly 95 per cent of the worldwide coffee consumption. But what is the difference between them?

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1. Caffeine Content

Robusta has more caffeine content than Arabica coffee.

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2. Difference In Taste

While Arabica has a sweet and smooth taste, Robusta is bitter in taste.

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3. Arabica Is Costlier!

Due to its specific growing conditions, Arabica is costlier than Robusta.

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4. Cultivation & Processing

Cultivating Arabica plants requires skilled manual work.

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5. Robusta Requires Minimum Effort

The cultivation & processing of Robusta is easier than Arabica.

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6. The Popular One

Arabica is more popular than Robusta.

Which of these coffee beans do you prefer for your cup of coffee?

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