Baking Month: Enjoy Winters Baking Caramel-Stuffed Chocolate Chip Cookies

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No one ever said no to cookies! Here's how you can easily bake yummy caramel-stuffed chocolate chip cookies at home.

Bake Yum Cookies

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• Start by making the cookie batter by whisking softened unsalted butter and sugar. You can even add some brown sugar to this mix. 

How To Bake?

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• The best way to get a smooth textured mix is using a stand mixer. Next, add flour, baking soda, vanilla essence, salt, cocoa powder, and eggs. Make sure you add one egg at once and mix everything well before adding the next egg. 

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How To Bake?

• Once done, add some chocolate chips and beat well before baking. • Line a parchment paper on a baking pan and scoop out the cookie batter. 

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How To Bake?

• In the next step, add 1 tsp caramel inside the cookies and cover them using more batter. 

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How To Bake?

• Once done with all these steps, bake everything for 5 minutes. • Enjoy the delectable cookies after cooling down.

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How To Bake?

Are you ready to bake delish caramel-stuffed chocolate chip cookies at home and enjoy them? 

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