Image Credits" Canva

Barbiecore Aesthetic: 5 Famous Landmarks Reimagined By AI, All In Pink

By now, Barbiecore has become an aesthetic and design trend that has captivated everyone.

About Barbiecore

Image Credits" Canva

Various publications and entities have reimagined some of the world’s most iconic buildings and landmarks into a Barbie DreamHouse

 Barbiecore Aesthetics

Image Credits" Canva

This is how ConservatoryLand has reimagined some of the landmarks. Take a look:

Famous Landmarks In Pink

Image Credits" Canva

Sydney Opera House in pink is all about vibrant and cheerful colours.

1. Sydney Opera House

Image Credits" Website/Conservatory Land

Paris' Eiffel Tower in pink capture the essence of Barbie's fashion-forward world.

2. Eiffel Tower

Image Credits" Website/Conservatory Land

The Royal Palace in pink still exudes royal feels. 

3. Buckingham Palace

Image Credits" Website/Conservatory Land

Tower Bridge in pink creates a sense of whimsy and nostalgia.

4. Tower Bridge

Image Credits" Website/Conservatory Land

This famous cathedral in pink sure looks a heavenly escape.

5. Saint Basil's Cathedral

Image Credits" Website/Conservatory Land

How beautiful it will be to enjoy Brighton Pier and sea views all in wondrous pink!

6. Brighton Pier

Image Credits" Website/Conservatory Land

So, what do you think of these landmarks bathed in pink?

Image Credits" Website/Conservatory Land