7 Benefits Of Apricots That Will Make You Want To Include Them In Your Daily Diet

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Closely related to peaches, apricots are a popular fruit that is especially popular in the Mediterranean.

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While this pretty-hued fruit can be found almost anywhere, did you know that it is packed with benefits? Yes, and here’s a list of a few that will make you want to add apricots to your diet.

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1. Apricots are super nutritious and low in calories. It is an excellent source of vitamins, including A, C, and E.

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2. As they have soluble fibre, the fruit allows a healthy bowel movement!

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3. They’re rich in carotenoids and xanthophylls, which researchers believe can prevent age-related vision loss.

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4. According to studies, apricots can also prevent liver damage.

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5. As it is rich in calcium, researchers believe that it can help in boosting bone health.

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6. It can delay the signs of ageing and even make your skin glow!

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7. As it is a good source of iron, apricots can help improve haemoglobin production!

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