8 Best Drinks Perfect For Iftar 2024

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1. Jaljeera

This tangy and spicy drink made from cumin, mint, tamarind, and other spices is perfect for refreshing the palate after a day of fasting.

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2. Sweet Lassi

This traditional yoghurt-based drink is flavoured with sugar and fruit such as mango or rosewater.

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3. Coconut Water

This natural and hydrating drink helps replenish electrolytes lost during fasting. Fresh coconut water is a popular choice for breaking the fast.

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4. Rooh Afza Milkshake

Mix Rooh Afza syrup with chilled milk to create a creamy and refreshing drink. It has a sweet and floral flavour that's perfect for Iftar.

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5. Aam Panna

This tangy and refreshing drink is made from raw mangoes, sugar, and spices like cumin and black salt. Aam panna helps cool the body and aids digestion after a day of fasting.

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6. Buttermilk

Buttermilk is a cooling and savoury drink made from yoghurt, water, and spices like cumin, salt, and mint. It's traditionally consumed after meals in India to aid digestion and cool the body.

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7. Nimbu Pani

Also known as lemonade, nimbu pani is a simple yet refreshing drink made from lemon juice, water, sugar, and a pinch of salt. It's a great way to rehydrate and quench thirst after a long day of fasting.

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8. Sharbat

It is a sweet and fruity drink made from fruit syrups, water, and sometimes milk. Popular flavours include rose, khus, and sandalwood. Sherbet is a cooling and refreshing option for Iftar.

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Enjoy these drinks with family and friends as you celebrate the spirit of Ramadan.

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