8 Best Places In The World To Spot Hippos

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1. Okavango Delta, Botswana

This UNESCO World Heritage Site is a vast inland delta known for its rich wildlife. Hippos can be seen in large numbers in the waterways and lagoons.

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2. Luangwa River, Zambia

The Luangwa River in South Luangwa National Park is home to one of Africa’s largest concentrations of hippos. They can often be seen in large pods along the riverbanks.

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3. Serengeti National Park, Tanzania

Famous for the Great Migration, the Serengeti is also an excellent place to see hippos. The Seronera River and the Grumeti River are prime spots.

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4. Kruger National Park, South Africa

Kruger, one of Africa’s largest game reserves, offers ample opportunities to see hippos in its numerous rivers and waterholes.

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5. Queen Elizabeth National Park, Uganda

The Kazinga Channel in Queen Elizabeth National Park is renowned for its high density of hippos. Boat cruises along the channel provide close-up views.

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6. Chobe River, Botswana

The Chobe River, particularly in Chobe National Park, is famous for its large hippo populations. Boat safaris are a great way to see these creatures.

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7. Murchison Falls National Park, Uganda

The Nile River, which flows through this park, is a prime habitat for hippos. The park’s river cruises offer excellent viewing opportunities.

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8. Selous Game Reserve, Tanzania

One of the largest faunal reserves in the world, the Selous Game Reserve features many hippos in its rivers and lakes. The Rufiji River is particularly known for hippo sightings.

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These locations offer some of the best opportunities to observe hippos in their natural habitats, often accompanied by other spectacular wildlife.