8 Best Places In The World To Spot Orcas Aka 'Killer Whale'

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1. Norway (Andenes)

Andenes in Norway offers excellent opportunities to see orcas in their natural habitat, especially during the winter months when they follow herring migrations.

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2. Canada (British Columbia)

British Columbia's coast, including areas like Vancouver Island and Johnstone Strait, is famous for orca sightings, particularly in the summer when the salmon runs attract them.

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3. United States (Alaska)

Alaska's waters, particularly around places like the Inside Passage and Prince William Sound, offer chances to see orcas, especially in the summer months.

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4. New Zealand (Bay of Islands)

The Bay of Islands in New Zealand's North Island is known for its resident orca population. Boat tours are available to spot them throughout the year.

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5. Argentina (Peninsula Valdes)

Orcas visit the waters around Peninsula Valdes in Argentina to hunt seals, making it a great spot to see them from shore or on boat tours.

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6. Antarctica

While more remote, Antarctica offers incredible opportunities to see orcas in their icy habitat, particularly around the Antarctic Peninsula and the Southern Ocean.

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7. Scotland (Shetland Islands)

The Shetland Islands in Scotland are another great spot to see orcas, especially during the summer months when they follow migrating fish.

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8. Japan (Hokkaido)

Off the coast of Hokkaido, Japan, particularly around the Rausu area, orcas can sometimes be spotted during the summer months as they hunt for fish.

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These locations provide varying opportunities to see orcas in their natural environment.