8 Best Places In The World To Spot Polar Bears

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1. Churchill, Canada

Known as the "Polar Bear Capital of the World," Churchill in Manitoba offers tundra buggy tours that allow you to view polar bears in their natural habitat.

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2. Svalbard, Norway

Located in the Arctic Ocean, Svalbard is a prime spot for polar bear sightings. Expeditions and tours are available, especially during the summer months.

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3. Wrangel Island, Russia

A UNESCO World Heritage Site, Wrangel Island is a haven for polar bears during the summer months. Access is limited, but it offers unique opportunities for wildlife enthusiasts.

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4. Kaktovik, Alaska

In the fall, polar bears gather near Kaktovik as they wait for the sea ice to form. Tours and local guides can help visitors view these bears in their natural environment.

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5. Greenland

The northern regions of Greenland, such as Qaanaaq and Ittoqqortoormiit, provide opportunities to spot polar bears, especially during the summer and early fall.

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6. Franz Josef Land, Russia

This archipelago in the Russian Arctic is a remote and pristine area where polar bears can be spotted during expeditions or cruises.

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7. Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR), Alaska

This vast wilderness is home to a variety of Arctic wildlife, including polar bears. Guided tours or expeditions offer chances to encounter them.

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8. Hudson Bay, Canada

Apart from Churchill, other areas along the coast of Hudson Bay provide opportunities to witness polar bears, especially during the summer and early fall.

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