Can Mangoes Make You Fat? Nutritionist Answers & Clears Confusion

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Summer season is the best time of the year to relish the freshest and juiciest mangoes. Most of us cannot often control ourselves from eating this fruit one after the other. But having loads of mangoes can be a bit unhealthy. 

Peak Mango Season

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Our beloved mangoes can lead to weight gain and increase blood sugar if not consumed in moderation. Then, what is the limit to enjoying this fruit? 

Control Control!

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Nutritionist Juhi Kapoor shared a reel explaining how many mangoes one should eat in a day. The first thing to take note of is maintaining portion control. 

Nutritionist's Recommendation

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To avoid gaining weight or affecting blood sugar levels, try to have about 150 grams of mangoes. It is half the size of a big mango.

How Many Mangoes?

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We know it is difficult to resist eating mangoes but for the sake of your health, try to control and have about 125-150 calories from this fruit.

Control Calories

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Excessive calories are the biggest enemies if you are on a journey to lose weight and are also unhealthy. If you wish to take good care of yourself, it is the best idea to eat in moderation. 

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Keep these points in mind and enjoy mangoes to the fullest this summer season!

Image Courtesy: Canva