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Credits: Unsplash
Soursop, or Graviola, is a tropical fruit known for its spiky green skin and soft white flesh. It is gaining popularity due to its potential health benefits, including claims of anti-cancer properties.
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Soursop is rich in vitamin C, which boosts immunity, and fibre, which aids digestion. It also contains potassium and magnesium, which support heart health and muscle function.
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For centuries, soursop has been used in traditional medicine to treat infections, diabetes, and digestive issues. Some cultures also use it to lower blood pressure and reduce inflammation.
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Lab studies suggest soursop compounds may help destroy certain cancer cells. However, no human clinical trials confirm its effectiveness as a cancer treatment.
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Soursop may help regulate blood sugar, reduce inflammation, and improve digestion. Some believe it promotes relaxation and better sleep due to its calming properties.
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Soursop contains annonacin, a compound linked to neurotoxicity. Excessive consumption may increase the risk of neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinson’s.
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Soursop can be eaten fresh or blended into smoothies and juices. It is also used in teas, desserts, and jams for a flavourful and nutritious addition.
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Soursop leaves are brewed into tea, known for its potential calming and health benefits. However, it should be consumed in moderation to avoid any side effects.
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While soursop has health benefits, excessive intake may be harmful. It is best to consume it in moderation and consult a doctor before using it medicinally.