Image Credits: Instagram/chefavinashmartins
Recently, Chef Avinash Martins drove to a farm stay to experience Konkani cuisine.
Image Courtesy: Instagram/chefavinashmartins
Nestled amidst the lush greens called Birdsong Farm Stay which is owned by Sunil and Anita Desai.
Image Courtesy: Instagram/chefavinashmartins
Just as you step into this tranquil space, the harmonious tunes of numerous chirpy birds will fill your ears. Such a pleasant sound!
Image Courtesy: Instagram/chefavinashmartins
Avinash gave a quick room tour with a simple aesthetic bed with wooden walls and an almirah with a cute bathroom section.
Image Courtesy: Instagram/chefavinashmartins
Take a shower right under the clouds and tree branches! The roof above you is transparent.
Image Courtesy: Instagram/chefavinashmartins
They have a dedicated farming section from where they grow their produce and use it to feed the travellers for a great farm-to-table experience.
Image Courtesy: Instagram/chefavinashmartins
Feed some cows, saw juicy mangoes and star fruits hanging from the trees.
Image Courtesy: Instagram/chefavinashmartins
His table was set outside under the tree shade to relish authentic Konkani cuisine.
Image Courtesy: Instagram/chefavinashmartins
Yummy fried surmai, a vegetable stir-fry, salad, sol kadi, puris and more prepared by lovely chefs of the farm stay.
Image Courtesy: Instagram/chefavinashmartins