Credits: chefbader/ Instagram
Content creator Srajika Gupta shared a delish recipe for Eggless Mocha Cake and it will make you salivate.
Credits: chefbader/ Instagram
1/2 cup of tea 1/2 a cup of sugar 4 cardamom pods Oud Kamel Darsin Saffron 1 cup of powdered milk
Credits: chefbader/ Instagram
Add black tea leaves to a grinder.
Credits: chefbader/ Instagram
Next, add sugar, cardamom, cinamon and saffron to the mixer.
Credits: chefbader/ Instagram
Grind it till you achieve a powder.
Credits: chefbader/ Instagram
Transfer the mixture to a clean bowl
Credits: chefbader/ Instagram
Add milk powder to the mixture and stir well.
Credits: chefbader/ Instagram
Credits: chefbader/ Instagram