Craving Something Sweet? Make Kladdkaka Which Is World's Best Cake; Recipe

Credits: Canva

Powdered sugar, cocoa powder, eggs, butter, vanilla and flour.

What You Need

Credits: Canva

In a medium bowl, mix sugar and eggs.

Step 1

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Add flour, cocoa powder and salt by sifting. Fold the mixture together.

Step 2

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Add vanilla and butter. Mix the batter again.

Step 3

Credits: Canva

Preheat oven to 180 degrees Celsius & grease a pan with butter and cocoa powder.

Step 4

Credits: Canva 

Bake for 20 minutes or until the surface has hardened. The centre should still be soft.

Step 5

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Let it rest for a while and then cut it into pieces.

Step 6

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Step 7

This is optional but you can sprinkle powdered sugar and top the cake with berries.

Credits: Canva 

Your delicious Kladdkaka is ready to enjoy!

Credits: Canva