8 Cutlery Etiquettes To Know When Dining At A Fine Dine Restaurant

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1. Place the napkin on your lap upon sitting down at the table and use it to dab your mouth when needed.

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2. Hold the cutlery properly, with the fork in your left hand and the knife in your right hand.

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3. Cutlery should be used for its intended purposes. Use the knife to cut your food, and the fork to lift it to your mouth. Do not use your fingers unless it is appropriate for the type of food being served.

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4. Avoid making noise with your cutlery. Refrain from clinking or scraping them against the plate.

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5. When not using your cutlery, rest them on the plate or table, avoiding placing them on the tablecloth.

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6. Do not gesture with your cutlery or use them to point at something or someone.

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7. When you have finished eating, place your cutlery together on the plate in a parallel position, with the handles resting at 4 o'clock and the tips at 10 o'clock.

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8. If you need to excuse yourself from the table temporarily, place your cutlery on your plate, slightly angled, to indicate that you are not finished with your meal.

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The next time you eat out at a fancy restaurant, use these tips!

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