Did You Know Only 5% Of Wasabi Served Worldwide Is Authentic? Here’s Why| Curly Tales

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Bold Flavours 

Wasabi is known for its bold and  fiery flavours. 

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Busting The Bubble

A new report revealed that most restaurants don’t serve authentic wasabi.

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Not Authentic Wasabi 

According to Taste Atlas, most eateries make ‘wasabi’ from a blend of green food colouring, horseradish and mustard.

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How It Is Cultivated

The wasabi plant, reportedly, grows  best in moist environments, especially  in artificial water bodies and  natural streams. 

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Challenging Cultivation

The cultivation of this plant is challenging, expensive, and takes  up to three years to mature!

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How To Attain Max Flavours 

As per reports, the rhizome of the wasabi plant must be finely grated using a textured sharkskin board to ensure its signature pungency. 

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Expensive Cultivation

Due to this expensive cultivation process, only 5% of the wasabi served worldwide is genuine, Taste Atlas’  report highlighted. 

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Cheaper Alternatives 

Most eateries rely on cheaper alternatives, such as dry wasabi powder. While it has the zest of a wasabi, it lacks depth and fresh pungency. 

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