Food Myths Busted: These 7 Commonly Held Beliefs Are Untrue; Learn More Here

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There are many myths about food on the Internet. Following are some of those myths busted!

Food-Related Myths On The Internet

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Ethanol is present in all alcoholic beverages & it is found to have a positive effect on the heart. So, in moderation, all spirits might be good.

1. Only Red Wine Is Good Alcohol

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There is no research to support this myth which supposedly began during World War II.

2. Carrots Improve Eyesight

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Ulcers are caused by a specific bacteria. Spicy food can worsen them but it cannot cause them.

3. Spicy Food Causes Ulcer

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There is no proof that cranberry juice cures UTIs. They should be treated with proper antibiotics.

4. Cranberry Juice Cures UTI

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Soda is bad, yes. But Sodium-free carbonated water is perfectly healthy.

5. All Carbonated Drinks Are Bad

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Many studies have shown the contrary to be true. Alcohol can disrupt your sleeping patterns.

6. Alcohol Helps You Sleep

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Whole grains have carbs but they are some of the healthiest items to eat.

7. All Carbs Are Bad

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Which of these did you believe?

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