French Fries Getting Soggy? Follow These 7 Steps For The Crispiest Fries

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1. Choose good-quality potatoes and use a serrated knife to cut them into pieces. 

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2. Take a bowl of water and add some vinegar to it. Shimmer the potato pieces for about 7-8 minutes. 

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3. The next step is to rinse the blanched potatoes thoroughly. Make sure to avoid soaking them in water.

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4. For extra crispiness, boil the potato pieces in a solution of water, some salt, and vinegar. Keep the pan on the stove for only a few minutes. 

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5. Drain the cut potatoes well and spread them on a plate or towel for a couple of minutes. 

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6. Do not heat the oil much. Try to keep it at a medium heat temperature. 

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7. Deep fry the potato pieces until every piece looks golden. 

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So when are you using these steps to cook the crispiest French Fries?

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