From Coffee To Pasta, Plural Forms Of These 8 Food Items Are Often Spelt Wrong

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1. Coffee Regardless of how much coffee you drink, it is never right to say you drank ‘coffees’.

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2. Bread Saying ‘Breads’ is never right, so make sure you don’t make this mistake.

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3. Honey ‘Honeys’ is also never correct.

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4. Meat Using ‘meats’ to refer to a lot of meat is wrong.

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5. Cheese Unless there are multiple types of cheese in question, you cannot use ‘cheeses.’

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6. Wine ‘Wines’ is never correct so make sure you never use it!

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7. Butter ‘Butters’ can be used as a verb but not to describe a lot of butter.

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8. Pasta You cannot say ‘pastas’, it is grammatically incorrect.

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Which of these have you been misspelling?

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