From Cucumbers To Tomatoes, 8 Fruits You Didn't Know Were Berries

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Botanically, Cucumbers are also classified as berries.

1. Cucumbers

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Bananas also have seeds inside which makes them berries.

2. Bananas

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Yes! Watermelons are berries because seeds are on the inside.

3. Watermelon

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Surprisingly, pumpkins also qualify as berries.

4. Pumpkin

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Avocado also has its seed inside which means that it is a berry.

5. Avocados

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Red grapes which have seeds are considered berries.

6. Grapes

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Lemons, too, have seeds on the inside and they’re berries.

7. Lemons

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Because tomatoes have seeds on the inside, they’re botanical berries.

8. Tomatoes

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Which of these is the most shocking to you?

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