From Prasad To Ukulele, Delhiites Forgot These Unique Items In Their Uber!

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Uber recently released a list of unique items people have forgotten in Uber.

Uber Lost & Found

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Phones, understandably, were the most commonly forgotten items. But people have lost some… unique possessions as well.

Most Commonly Forgotten

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Following are the 5 most unique items people have forgotten in Uber.

Unique Items

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Yes, someone forgot the prasad they got from Mandir in Uber.

1. Prasad

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A Delhiite forgot their coin collection in their Uber. It was probably very valuable to them.

2. Coin Collection

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Yep. A gate valve. Most of us don’t even know what it looks like but someone in Delhi was carrying one around and ended up forgetting it in Uber.

3. Gate Valve

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Poor them. Hope they didn’t go hungry because of their forgetfulness.

4. Cornflakes

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We don’t even know how this would be possible but apparently someone forgot an entire Ukulele in their Uber.

5. Ukulele

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What is the weirdest thing that you forgot in your Uber?

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