From Shooter To Sling, 8 Bar Terms Everyone Must Know

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1. Shooter

A shooter is a small, concentrated alcoholic beverage typically served in a shot glass. Shooters are often designed to be consumed quickly and are popular in bars and nightclubs.

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2. Sling

A sling is a classic cocktail that typically includes a base spirit, sweetener, and water or soda. It's often garnished with a twist of citrus or a cherry.

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3. Muddle

Muddling is a bartending technique that involves gently crushing or bruising ingredients, typically herbs, fruits, or sugar, to release their flavours.

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4. Shaken, Not Stirred

This is a request for a cocktail to be prepared by shaking the ingredients with ice rather than stirring them.

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5. Stirred

When a cocktail is stirred, it's gently mixed by stirring the ingredients with ice in a mixing glass.

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6. Garnish

A garnish is an edible or decorative item added to a cocktail to enhance its appearance and, in some cases, flavour.

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7. Highball

A highball is a type of cocktail traditionally served in a tall glass with a high ratio of mixer (e.g., soda, tonic) to the base spirit.

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8. Neat

Ordering a drink "neat" means you want it served straight from the bottle without any ice or mixers.

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These bar terms will help you navigate the world of drinks and bartending more effectively.