From Vienna to Zurich, Here Are The World's Top 10 Best Cities To Live In

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1. Vienna, Austria’s capital is the best city to live in the world. This is the second consecutive year that Vienna won the title.

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2. Denmark's Copenhagen is the second-best city to live in.

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3. According to the Global Liveability Index 2023, Australia's Melbourne is the third-best city to live in.

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4. On the fourth rank, we have another city in Australia, Sydney.

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5. Canada's Vancouver is in the fifth rank.

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6. Zurich, the largest city in Switzerland, is the sixth-best city to live in the world.

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7. The Economist Intelligence Unit ranked Canada's Calgary on the seventh rank.

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8. Another city in Switzerland that made it to the top 10 best cities to live in the world is Geneva.

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9. Toronto is the third city in Canada that entered the top 10 best cities in the world to live in.

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10. Japan's Osaka is the tenth-best city to live in the world.

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Have you travelled to any of the top 10 best cities in the world?

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