Fruits From Indian Cities With GI Tag

GI Tag stands for Geographical Indication.  It offers legal security to the manufacturer of this unique fruit which is grown only in that area of city. 

1. Oranges- Nagpur A variety of oranges grow in this city.  It is harvested in December and grows twice a year. 

2. Grapes- Nashik Nashik is known as India's grape capital.  This city contributes to more than half of India's grape export. 

3. Nanjanagud Banana - Mysore These bananas are grown in Mysore and are known for their scent and flavour.  This fruit has a very long shelf life. 

4. Shahi Litchi-Muzaffarpur  Bihar's Muzaffarpur serves the juiciest litchi! This city contributes 43% of the total litchi produce in India. 

5. Kesar Mango- Girnar This is one of most popular variety of mangoes. It is produced in the foothills of Gujarat's Girnar. 

6. Surkha Guava-Prayagraj A famous poet said that the guavas of Prayagraj have divine taste. It has deep pink colour on the inside. 

7. Vazhakulam Pineapple-Vazhakulam This city in Kerala is also known as city of pineapples! It has a very pleasant aroma. 

8. Paniyala-Gorakhpur This fruit has many health benefits. It is produced only in Uttar Pradesh's Gorakhpur and no where else in India. 

9. Strawberry- Mahabaleshwar This fruit is grown in the hilly regions of Maharashtra's Mahabaleshwar. It contributes to about 85% of total strawberry produce in India. 

10. Kachai Lemon- Ukhrul This fruit is grown in Manipur's Ukhrul and unlike other lemons this one has 51% ascorbic acid. 

11. Alphonso- Ratnagiri Ratnagiri Alphonso grown in Maharashtra's Ratnagiri is known as one of the best type of mangoes in India. 

12. Changalikodan Banana- Chengazhikodu This variety of banana is cultivated in the Thrissur district of Kerala. This fruit is generally planted in October month. 

13. Solapur Pomegranate-Solapur This variety of pomegranate is found in Maharashtra's Solapur. It contributes 85% of the total production in India. 

14. Beed Custard Apple-Beed Maharashtra is the highest producer of custard apple. Beed custard apple has different physical attributes. 

15. Vengurla Cashew, Sindhudurg This variety is found in Vengurla in Maharashtra and is also known as Kokan kaju. It is known for its high juicy content.